Programming, creating, worlds appearing before our own hands. These are our passion. We create fun, original, complete and complex games with unique ideas. And while we're at it, why not add some good ol' hentai in there amiright?

Age 30

Game dev

Joined on 11/25/18

Exp Points:
881 / 900
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Vote Power:
5.16 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
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Wataponno's News

Posted by Wataponno - April 15th, 2019

Good morning everyone! Hope you had a nice weekend.

This week went particularly smooth, with everything working almost first try every time... that's suspicious. Anyhow, here's the progress made for MMD:

  • Fixed a bug in the companion system that allowed multiple companions to exist at the same time
  • Multiple backgrounds can now be displayed in the gallery (goal achieved)
  • The waifu system is working (goal achieved)

Goals for this week:

  • Create the graveyard dungeon
  • Create the dialogue system

Have a good week! and happy easter!



Posted by Wataponno - April 8th, 2019

Good morning everyone and welcome new patrons!

This was a close one, but ultimately Graveyard will be the theme of the next dungeon (worry not, forest will be back in the next poll). The first Monster Girl will be coming at the end of the month.

As for last week's progress:

  • Tested and fixed a few things for the public release.
  • Fixed a bug in which the save-load system didn't work for the last H scene implemented.
  • Implemented the companion system.

The companion system will allow you to bring an ally into battle with you, casting different lower-level spells as you do. Right now only Fae is available, but more will come in the future.


This week's goals:

  • Add multiple backgrounds for the gallery.
  • Finish the waifu initiative, part 1.

Have a great week everyone, and see you later ;)



Posted by Wataponno - March 25th, 2019

Good morning everyone!

First things first: Patreon Release 0.2 should arrive this week if everything goes as planned. A lot has changed since beta 0.1 and we're sure you'll like it!

Last week's progress:

  • Added a cheat code to progress through the story faster
  • The "special attack" is a lot harder to implement than first thought so it won't be included in this release (goal not achieved)

This week's goals:

  • Review and publish beta 0.2

Happy monday!


Posted by Wataponno - March 18th, 2019

Crazy day everyone! Sorry for the late update!

Good news first: I mentioned some important emails that were waiting for ans answer in the discord. Well they both came back with positive news! More on that later when we can actually show you the results.

Progress news second:

  • Onscreen buttons are now disabled while the option menu is shown (this led to some unexpected but hilarious results)
  • Added unique sounds to all the spells
  • Options are now included in the save code

This week's goals:

  • Sleep
  • Implement the "special attack"
  • Sleep some more

Have a good week everyone! I'm exhausted and going to bed.



Posted by Wataponno - March 11th, 2019

A very good Monday everyone!

This week has been challenging code-wise as the option menu appeared to have ramifications on the older code that were yet unseen. But I'm working on that don't worry. Still, progress was made! Although, art wise it has been great with the first H scene for our favorite fairy almost complete.

Last week's progress:

  • Added the mouse "gameplay" for the options menu
  • Implemented the basics of the waifu system (goal achieved)
  • Fixed a metric ton of issues with the options system

This week's goals:

  • Add sounds to the spells that don't have nice ones
  • Add the option settings in the save code

And with that, a good week everyone!



Posted by Wataponno - March 4th, 2019

Good morning everyone!

Last week's progress in a nutshell:

  • Hopefully fixed the audio bug where the music became distorted (goal achieved).
  • Created the option menu, but still needs some work (goal partly achieved).
  • Fixed a bug where the enemy could appear at it's original position while being in a H scene.
  • Fixed a bug where enemies continued to attack after the player was defeated.

This week's goals:

  • Start the waifu project.

Have a nice week everyone!



Posted by Wataponno - February 25th, 2019

Good morning everyone!

Straight to the meat, this week's progress:

  • Definitively fixed the gallery animation bug (FOUND IT! AHA!).
  • Added 4 new spells to the game (goal achieved).
  • Damage received and dealt is now shown, along with health and shield (goal achieved).
  • Made some balance changes.
  • Haven't work at all on the special attack (goal not achieved, this was a long shot anyway for this week).

Goals for the upcoming week:

  • Create the option menu.
  • Fix the audio bug everybody is talking about.

That's it! Have a good one!


Posted by Wataponno - February 18th, 2019

Good morning one and all!

This week saw the release of the public beta build of MMD AND we past the 50$ in patreon! This weird dream of ours is taking shape.

As for this week's progress:

  • Infrastructure for the 3rd dungeon is ready, only need to animate the monster girls (goal accomplished)
  • Didn't find the cause of the animation bug in the gallery (goal not accomplished) but we're still looking for it!
  • Reworked the UI to make it less confusing with the double arrows thing.
  • Added a control tutorial in the first room.
  • Fixed the input lag by changing how spellcasting works in the backend.
  • Hopefully fixed the possible crash when entering the gallery.

Goals for this week:

  • Add more spells
  • Show damage received and healed
  • Start to work on the "special attack"

Have a nice week everyone and thank you for your support! :D

Posted by Wataponno - February 11th, 2019

This week has been busy but productive!

Last week's progress:

  • Started and completed Fae's CG (goal surpassed)
  • Added a way to show the bonus reward on the first completion of a dungeon (goal surpassed)
  • Fixed a few minor bugs

This week's goals:

  • Publish the public version of the beta 1
  • Start to work on the 3rd dungeon
  • Try to fix the animation bug in the gallery

Have a nice week y'all! :D

Posted by Wataponno - February 4th, 2019

And this week we get to the big 10! Thank you all for your support! We couldn't have made it this far without you!
For this week's progress:

Completely finished the first 2 dungeons (goal achieved) (some idle and attack animations left to do, but we don't count it)
Add a way so players see the boss reward correctly (not done)
Alpha 0.0.3 released for patrons!! (done! :) )
Added the save/load system to the game
Fixed a few bugs in the gallery

Goals for next week:

Add a way so players see the boss reward correctly
Start to work on the first CG

Have a nice week, and enjoy the beta!